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Sunday, November 7, 2010

Tattoo Images by Vanessa Greenberg

How can I cover up a tattoo? – Deciding to Hide a Tattoo

Not everyone is completely happy with a new tattoo. Thankfully, most reputable tattoo artists don’t allow inebriated individuals to receive tattoos, which usually eliminate many cases of drunken tattoo choices. There are still individuals who get tattoos while they are completely sober and still ask; how can I cover up a tattoo?

Sometimes a tattoo is decided upon at the spur of the moment and doesn’t turn out quite like it was expected. There are times when the tattoo in your imagination and the actual tattoo don’t quite match up. You picture it as being this impressive piece of artwork and in reality, it looks very silly. This is common among the very young. Things that seem cool to you when you’re 18 aren’t always cool to you when you’re 38.

Most tattoos can be covered up by clothing, which is very convenient. The only time this doesn’t work is when you have to wear a long sleeved shirt in the middle of summer. Tattoos on the neck can be covered with a scarf or bandana, but ones on the face might be a bit trickier to hide. A thick layer of makeup might work, but it will depend on how natural you are able to get the makeup to look.

If your question of how can I cover up a tattoo is referring to covering a botched tattoo job, then you’ll need to go to a tattoo artist for this input. Most artists will tell you that you can cover the old tattoo with a new tattoo, but the design and coloration will be determined by the tattoo that is to be covered. For instance, a dark tattoo can most likely only be covered by darker colors, such as black, which isn’t the most desirable color for some people.

Do tattoos stretch with muscle growth

Whatever the skin does, the tattoo placed on the skin also does. Which means, when answering the question; do tattoos stretch with muscle growth? The answer is going to be yes, but to a certain extent. People are always gaining and losing muscle. The amount of muscle gained will determine how much the tattoo will stretch.

An example of a tattoo being stretched by the addition of muscle would be if a young man were to get a tattoo as soon as he turns 18 and then deciding to become a professional body builder. Most body builders don’t simply want to become stronger, they usually want bulging muscles that are impressive enough to win various titles and competitions.

When a lot of muscle mass is added to the human body, the skin has to stretch to accommodate the growth. As the skin stretches, anything on it will stretch too; such as a tattoo. The amount of stretching caused to the tattoo will depend on where it is located on the body. For instance, a tattoo placed on the top of a body builder’s foot will most likely look the same after tons of muscle is added onto the body builder’s main frame.

On the other hand, if a tattoo is originally placed on the bicep, then this tattoo may get completely stretched out of proportion; depending on how much muscle mass is added on. Think of those balloons that have colored swirls all over them. The designs look very bright and the lines are thick, until the balloon is inflated. The more the balloon inflates the thinner and lighter the design becomes. This is similar to how a tattoo reacts to stretching skin.

It’s hard to know what the future might hold, by way of future body type. Knowing that the answer is affirmative for the question, do tattoos stretch with muscle growth can sometimes give people a heads up on where a good location on the body for a specific tattoo might be.